Our projects

1000 Leaders for Colombia




54 leaders


Origen Red de Liderazgo

Donate, and we’ll match your contribution.

La Pascasia






Corporación Común y Corriente

Donate, and we’ll match your contribution.
A group of people in a theater watching a musical performance, working to generate positive economic impact, promoting sustainable development, and inclusive growth.

One Forest


Aburrá Valley


36 students


Fundación Juguemos en el Bosque

Donate, and we’ll match your contribution.
A barista serving a drink. We offer investment opportunities that enable reinvestment in social projects with a triple impact beneficial for all.

Sustainable tourism in Los Flamencos


Laguna Grande – La Guajira


125 personas


Animal Bank – Parques Nacionales -SENA

Donate, and we’ll match your contribution.
A man looking through binoculars towards the horizon and the sea. True social impact is achieved when communities are empowered and actively participate in solutions.

Social Inclusion Through Technology




280 people


Corporacion humanos 3D

Donate, and we’ll match your contribution.
A photograph of a woman with her arms crossed and smiling. The success of transformative initiatives is measured by the reach and sustainability of their social impact.
Ícono minimalista con silueta humana en el centro rodeada por un esquema de órbitas anaranjadas, simbolizando la integración de la ciencia y tecnología con el ser humano. Orange icon of three people sitting at a round table, representing a group meeting or collaborative discussion. Orange icon of four aligned people, symbolizing a group or communit Orange icon of a person, symbolizing a group or community

Key Figures

We are guided by trust, respect for diversity, the strengthening of leadership, and the care of the planet to drive social transformation.

What we do
A thousand people benefited
Volunteer hours
Millions of pesos in social investment

Estrategy – One Social Investment

We change the world project by project! We combine knowledge from the business world with the experience and will of organizations that are committed to social change:

Strategic Capital

We identify

Social projects and initiatives that generate transformations in a community.

We define indicators and rigorously measure impacts to demonstrate the transformation we achieve together in social projects in Colombia.
SVG icon of a handshake with a heart, Own capital and that of our benefactor allies who see in us a more strategic way to build a better future. We make long-term social investments with risk tolerance.

We contribute

Own capital and that of our benefactor allies who see in us a more strategic way to build a better future. We make long-term investments with risk tolerance.

Contribution of resources and knowledge for Sustainable Development initiatives.
SVG icon for strengthening Sustainable Development initiatives, The leadership and strategies of our beneficiaries through the development of skills and integration with others, so that they can improve the impact and their possibilities of sustainability over time.

We strengthen

The leadership and strategies of our beneficiaries through the development of skills and integration with others, so that they can improve the impact and their possibilities of sustainability over time.

We strengthen capacities and skills to promote Sustainable Development.
SVG icon of a ruler,We define indicators and rigorously measure the impacts to demonstrate the transformation we achieve together

We measure

We define indicators and rigorously measure the impacts to demonstrate the transformation we achieve together

Measuring the impact of Sustainable Development projects using key indicators to drive social investment

Our beneficiaries and allies

By joining forces we collectively build the solutions we long for as a society.

Animal Bank | Strategic Philanthropy
Conviventia | Strategic Philanthropy
El Rio | Strategic Philanthropy
Fundación Granitos De Paz | Strategic Philanthropy
Humanos3d | Strategic Philanthropy
Fundación Juanfe - Modelo de desarrollo social | Strategic Philanthropy
The logo of a strategic benefactor or beneficiary entity that generates high impact with its support, enabling innovative strategies and initiatives for achieving sustainable development.
Sueños y Huellas | Strategic Philanthropy
UNHCR ACNUR la agencia de la ONU para Refugiados | Strategic Philanthropy
Fundación Ximena Rico Llano | Strategic Philanthropy
AFE - Asociación de fundaciones familiares y empresariales | Strategic Philanthropy
Antioquia Presente | Strategic Philanthropy
Proantioquia | Strategic Philanthropy
Federación Antioqueña de ONG | Strategic Philanthropy
Fundación UNO - UNO | Strategic Philanthropy
1% CLUB | Strategic Philanthropy
EL Balcón | Strategic Philanthropy
Ballet Metropolitano de Medellín | Strategic Philanthropy
La pascasia | Strategic Philanthropy
Juguemos en el bosque - Fundación | Strategic Philanthropy
Origin of leadership network | Strategic Philanthropy
The logo of the Pan Social Corporation.
The logo of the Valora-T
The logo of Motete.


¿What is a social transformation project?

A social transformation project is any initiative that seeks to change realities, promote well-being, develop, eradicate poverty, and move towards the elimination of inequality. People in vulnerable situations suffer from weakened ecosystems and face greater risks of social exclusion. The projects we include in our model can be in any sector or respond to different causes, for us, what is most relevant is how that is done. We stop to analyze what situation we are trying to resolve and what methodology is the most pertinent. We seek to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people by building capacity, providing patient capital, and building trust with organizations that share our higher purpose.

¿Why is One Social Investment not a foundation?

We were born in 2018 as a second-tier foundation and our mission was primarily to bring financial resources to first-tier organizations to boost them. To help the one who helps. However, with the change from Fundación Viva to One Inversión Social, we stopped using exclusively the term foundation but instead to act as a bridge that connects economic and strategic capital with all the organizations that achieve social transformations. We are a hybrid between traditional social work and proven impact contribution. We still help the helper, but now we try to be much more powerful through initiatives that achieve the triple impact: economic, social, and environmental.

¿How are the projects supported by One Social Investment chosen?

We receive the projects through our website. We have an application form to find out what the project is about, and all the details related to costs, people impacted, location, expectations, etc. Each initiative is reviewed by the One team and the advisory board to define if it is eligible to participate in our Be One model.

¿What kind of contributions does One Social Investment make?

When we include a project or initiative in our Be One model, we commit to an in-depth analysis of the project or initiative to identify its needs in terms of information, capacities, strategies, and economic capital. After this diagnosis, we join forces to strengthen the project, to achieve a greater impact and, crucially, to make it self-sustainable over time.

¿Who can be partners?

At One we consider allies to be non-profit organizations, foundations, corporations, and entities that, like us, develop projects, promote initiatives and are capable of working as a team for a common cause. Throughout our history, we have had different allies, and we always seek to maintain a good relationship because we believe in the strength of unity.

¿Who can contribute to the One model and how?

Those who share our principles and the vision we have of the world can join this cause where we are all one. The website has different options so that any person or entity can join with financial resources, time, experience, and skills. We are convinced that every contribution counts!

Let's talk about this commitment to social development and social investment.

Do you have any questions?

Let’s talk about this commitment to social development and social investment.

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